Oswd:开源网页模版分享网(Open Source Web Design)是一个提供免费网页模版开源的站点,用户可以自由分享和下载网站上所有的模版资源,该网站是成立于2000年,由Francis J. Skettino创办。
To put it simply, Open Source Web Design is a collection of web designs submitted by the community that anyone can download free of charge!
The Open Source Web Design project was founded in September, 2000 by Francis J. Skettino. The goal was to provide the Open Source community with quality web designs to help get people's projects on the web in a way that is both organized and good looking. From personal blogs to content managements systems to full fledged businesses, OSWD has been providing free web designs to those who need them for years. With your help, we will continue to do this for years to come.
A more detailed account of the origins of the site is coming soon!
Oswd:开源网页模版分享网网址: http://www.oswd.org/
丝画阁 阅读:377评论:82018-12-11 22:39:39