亚洲 马来西亚 malaysia 教育 education 同类型网站
One-School.net is an Online Learning Portal for Malaysia PMR and SPM students, offering various learning and teaching material for tuition, home tuition, self-study and school classes.
In this website, you can find a lot of free online reference books and notes for PMR and SPM subjects, including science, mathematics, add maths, chemistry, physics and ext. All this material is prepared by a group of experienced tutors and teachers.
We also provide a study forum for students and teachers to discuss their academic problems. This forums is managed by a few volunteer teachers, who have years experience in teaching particular subjects, including SPM Physics, Chemistry and Additional mathematics, just name a few.
In this website, you can also find a lot of useful links to various online references, such as dictionary, encyclopedia, free online library and ext. We are currently building a series of SPM and PMR reference books by a group of volunteer teachers. The subjects that are currently planned are SPM Chemistry, Physics, Biology, General Science, Mathematic and Additional Mathematics. More subjects will be included in this project in the future.
One-School.net is planning to build a series of online free reference books and notes for Malaysia's teachers and students. This project is sponsored by an online tuition Company, and is developed by a group of volunteer teachers.
One-School:马来西亚在线学习门户网网址: http://www.one-school.net/
丝画阁 阅读:239评论:82018-12-11 23:37:56
亚洲 中国 china 教育 education 同类型网站
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丝画阁 阅读:4214评论:82023-05-02 18:16:11
亚洲 中国 china 教育 education 同类型网站
重庆五一职业技术学院网址: http://www.cq51.cn/zsxx/
丝画阁 阅读:4135评论:82023-05-02 18:16:11
亚洲 中国 china 教育 education 同类型网站
常州幼儿师范高等专科学校网址: http://zsw.wjtts.net/zsxx.htm
丝画阁 阅读:4135评论:82023-05-02 18:16:11
亚洲 中国 china 教育 education 同类型网站
兰州航空职业技术学院网址: http://www.lzavu.cn/newszs/
丝画阁 阅读:3747评论:82023-05-02 18:16:11